Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Thursday - June 25, 2020

Fudging The Numbers

An Abundance Of Caution Tyranny

NJ Governor Murphy Now Padding COVID Death Numbers With “Probable” Cases, Jacking Death Totals 14.2%


New Jersey is now reporting probable deaths as part of its regular updates amid the coronavirus crisis. The report became public as Gov. Phil Murphy announced 406 additional coronavirus cases and 26 more deaths during his Thursday news conference (you can watch it here, below).

New Jersey reported 1,854 probable deaths since the outbreak began in March. Added together with confirmed deaths, it means as many as 14,872 people have died in New Jersey because of the coronavirus.

Just under a third of the probable deaths are associated with a long-term care facility, said Edward Lifshitz, medical director for the state Department of Health.

Murphy said his administration has been examining death certificates to identify residents, with “great reliability,” whose passing probably happened because of the coronavirus.

For many of these people, tests were never performed even though they had the underlying symptoms of the illness, Murphy said.

Murphy said the numbers “represent the toll this pandemic has had on our New Jersey family.”

“We report this out of nothing other than a solemn sense of duty,” he said. “For many families, we hope these determinations will provide a sense of closure.”

What a load of turnips. He’s doing this to pump the numbers to keep his reign and his “emergency powers” running as long as he can. And to grab federal money I’m sure, and to Get Trump.

King Murphy sux.

Note: The “Confirmed” death count stands at 13,018. The new “Probable” death count is 1,854. This adds 14.24% to the grim stats.

This sleight of hand nearly doubled the number of deaths in my county, taking us from a very low 67 up to 122. This is a scam.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/25/2020 at 05:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPandemic PandemoniumPolitics •  
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calendar   Wednesday - June 24, 2020

The Three Little Hitlers Of Hypocrisy

Cuomo, Murphy, Lamont: You MUST Quarantine If You Come Here From Hotspot States

Shoe is on the other foot now, but it’s still crusted with dog poop.

NEW JERSEY – Traveling from high-infection states to New Jersey, New York and Connecticut? You “must quarantine,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo says.

Cuomo appeared with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Ct. Gov. Ned Lamont on Wednesday in announcing “a joint travel advisory” for people coming in from states with a high infection rate.

Cuomo said those travelers “must quarantine for 14 days.”

Constitutionally, Murphy said, “were not able to put up border checks around New Jersey” and physically usher people into quarantine. But he did say the advisory was “more than a recommendation.”

It’s not clear how the measure will be enforced, but Murphy said the state Health Department will be responsible for dealing with flagrant violations of the advisory.

Murphy said he’s “asking” people from high-infection states to “do the right thing for themselves as well as their families and communities.”

What a hypocrite. Remember when NY was the COVID capital of the world, and Rhode Island said they’d quarantine drivers playing Escape From New York? He pitched a total fit, threatening lawsuits, waving the Constitution around etc. And now?

I guess we’re really not “all in this together”. No kidding. Just ask Italy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/24/2020 at 02:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Monday - June 22, 2020

the battered barber

Shave And A Haircut, Screw This

NJ has another Big Re-Opening today. woo woo. You can actually go to the barber and get a haircut, but the list of rules is insane. Also, our Governor is pushing anybody who has been anywhere to get a COVID test.

For getting a haircut, barbers and hair salons must:

•   Install physical barriers, if feasible, to minimize client contact with staff in the reception area.

•   Utilize floor markers (such as signs or tape) to designate 6-foot distances in common areas of the premises, including the reception and/or waiting area, client service stations, bathrooms, and employee break rooms.

•   Seating in the reception and/or waiting area shall be rearranged or removed to ensure that people are seated at least 6 feet apart.

•   Reconfigure the premises to ensure that staff-client pairs maintain at least 6 feet distance between any other staff-client pairs at all times, unless separated in private closed-rooms or by physical barriers.

•   Utilize pre-payment or remote, contactless payment options, when possible.

•   If the exchange of cash is unavoidable, cash should be placed on the counter and not exchanged hand-to-hand.

•   Staff accepting cash shall wipe the counter between each transaction and wash their hands with soap or utilize hand sanitizer after each transaction.

•   Establish an isolated area for delivery of supplies and materials.

•   Clean all surfaces at the premises with hot soapy water or cleaning wipes prior to reopening and before disinfecting.

•   Hard non-porous surfaces, such as glass, metal, and plastic, as well as all tools should be disinfected even if they were cleaned before the premises was closed.

•   Remove items that are intended to be used by multiple people, such as magazines/books/newspapers or other publications.

•   Install hand sanitizers for use by clients and staff.

•   Decline to provide services to any clients without a pre-scheduled appointment that has been arranged by telephone, text messaging, or online.

•   No walk-ins shall be permitted.

•   Screen no more than 24 hours prior to the appointment all clients scheduled for appointments.

•   The screening must be done via a telephonic or online consultation or questionnaire that includes the screening questions.

•   Clients are required to submit to a no-contact forehead temperature check.

•   Clients must wear, at a minimum, a cloth face covering at all times, except where doing so would inhibit the person’s health or the person is under 2 years of age.

•   Space appointments to allow adequate time for cleaning and disinfecting all nonporous surfaces.

•   Those with a temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees, along with anyone accompanying them, should be denied entry.

•   Stagger work hours of staff or adjust operating hours to limit the number of people on the premises at any given time, and accommodate social distancing.

•   Require all staff immediately prior to the initial re-entry after the reopening of the premises to respond to screening questions.

•   Require premises owners, managers, staff, clients, and anyone else in the premises to wear, at minimum, a cloth face covering at all times before, during, and after performing services.

•   Provide clients with, at minimum, cloth face coverings, if they arrive for an appointment without a face covering, or decline to provide services.

•   Direct staff to wear gloves when required to handle dirty linens or laundry.

•   Allow for break time for repeated hand washing between clients throughout the day.

•   Staff must maintain an appointment book with contact information regarding clients served, as well as a daily log of staff, and submit such information if requested to the Department of Health or the local board of health.

•   Notify the local health department immediately if it is suspected that any person who is known to have contracted COVID-19 was on the premises while COVID-19 positive, and cooperate with contact tracing efforts.

My barber is right down the street. He and his wife run the place. There’s one hair chair area for him, and one for her. The waiting area has 4 chairs and some magazines. I finally couldn’t take it any longer, and had my wife cut my hair 2 weeks ago.

( Remember magazines? That’s another thing you’ll probably never see again in any waiting room for anything anywhere. Because, eww, viral contact. So buh bye. )

If this is what barbershops have to go through, I can’t imagine what bowling alleys will be forced to put up with. It just doesn’t work. Or maybe our commie governor wants to put them out of business entirely.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/22/2020 at 11:24 AM   
Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseasesThe New NormalPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Monday - June 15, 2020

Yu Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Massive WuFlu Outbreak In China !!!

Beijing On Lockdown

All Infections Linked To Food Market

How do you even start a post with a face palm and a double eye roll?  rolleyes  rolleyes

Beijing is battling an Ƣexplosive outbreak” of the coronavirus, with health authorities reporting 36 new local infections in the city in one day – all linked to a food market.

As scientists try to track how the latest outbreak in Beijing emerged, the capital and neighbouring regions have stepped up emergency measures, including renewing lockdowns.

The capital has had 79 new local cases since last Thursday, all of which are linked to the Xinfadi wholesale market in the city’s southwestern district of Fengtai.

Covering 112 hectares, the centre is the biggest of its kind in Asia and supplies food to northern provinces.

Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, told Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily on Monday afternoon that the situation was very serious.

“Beijing is facing explosive and concentrated outbreaks even though the national epidemic has basically been blocked,” Wu said.

Naturally they blame those damn foreigners.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/15/2020 at 12:02 PM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneouspandemic and epidemic diseasesPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Friday - June 12, 2020

Yeah, about like that


But if it stops just one mosquito, then it’s worth it!



That’s a honey of an idea. Except I’d whip up a stencil and label the boxes “Caution: Murder Hornets Inside”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/12/2020 at 08:08 AM   
Filed Under: • HumorPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Friday - May 29, 2020

Fighting The Good Fight

Dr. Zelenko prepares for the final battle.

I have been preparing for the final battle in this war. The major counteroffensive is beginning. The whole world will hear us and be turned upside down.

Just released today, this 20 page medical document might be one of the nukes he’s planning to drop.

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis
More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.

I read the whole thing. You have to open the .pdf link at the above site to get to it.

Pointed out in this paper is the deeper truth that while Dr. Zelenko may have seen 1456 patients that were symptomatically declared to have COVID, he actually used his HCQ treatment plan on “only” 405 of them. The rest were so mildly ill that they didn’t merit treatment.

Here are a few parts I found noteworthy. The original document is unedited, tending towards run-on sentences and a rather high level of insider terminology and acronyms. Well duh, it’s a medical research paper, not a news story in USA Today.

[ on the MSM pushed fear of HCQ causing irregular heartbeats therefore heart attack danger!! ] This arrhythmia issue is a real, physiologically measurable effect of the use of these combined medications (HCQ+AZ), but fatal arrhythmia outcomes are so rare that they are of much lesser clinical significance than the hospitalization and mortality that the drugs prevent.  This fact is also clear from the lack of any cardiac arrhythmia events or arrhythmia mortality noted in the 405 Zelenko patients or the 1061 Marseilles patients or the 412 Brazil patients.Patients were not enrolled in these studies if they had known histories of QTc prolongation.  History of cardiac arrhythmia or other possible contraindications for use of HCQ orAZ or doxycycline is a normal part of workup and clinical judgement in physicianchoice to use these medicationsand how to monitor the patients


[ the Oxford study looked at more than 600,000 patients who had taken HCQ over the years ] The maintenance HCQ dose in the Oxford study patients, 200 mg/day, gives as large or larger plasma drug levels as five days of HCQ at 400 mg/day, the recommended dose for outpatient Covid-19.  These very small numbers of arrhythmias, as well as the null results in this very large empirical study should therefore put to rest the anxieties about population excess mortality of HCQ+AZ outpatient use, either from cardiac arrhythmias, or as mortality from all causes.

This discussion thus shows that the FDA, NIH and cardiology society warnings about cardiac arrhythmia adverse events, while appropriate for theoretical and physiological considerations about use of these medications, are not borne out in mortality in real-world usage of them. Treatment-failure mortality will be much higher, but even that pales in comparison to the lives saved. 

It would therefore be incumbent upon all three organizations to reevaluate their positions as soon as possible.  It is unclear why the FDA, NIH and cardiology societies made their recommendations about HCQ+AZ use now, when the Oxford study (41, 42) analyzed 323,122 users of HCQ+AZ compared to 351,956 users of HCQ+amoxicillin, i.e., that the combination of HCQ+AZ has been in widespread standard-of-care use in the US and elsewhere for decades, use comparable to HCQ+amoxicillin as if it just involved an alternate antibiotic choice, this use predominantly in older adults with multiple comorbidities, with no such strident warnings about the use given during that time. 

I note that since doxycycline is believed to cause even fewer cardiac arrhythmias than AZ, in patients where that is a concern(43), the long-term care-facility evidence suggests that HCQ+doxycycline likely will work about as well.


The extrapolation from laboratory theory to empirical use also seems to underlie resistance to the idea that combined HCQ regimens could work for early outpatient use.


The clash in scientific worldviews is that basic and clinical scientists seem to feel that biological and drug-development evidence for medication use in non-human and non-outpatient contexts can be extrapolated to recommendations for outpatient use without benefit of RCT [ randomized controlled trial; ie “official” and not anecdotal ] evidence but don’t accept epidemiologic evidence without RCTs, whereas epidemiologists have had career experience with laboratory and animal evidence that did not hold up under epidemiologic study, but do reason by including all types of epidemiologic study designs and derive causal conclusions in the standard way following Hill’s Aspects (26) on the basis of strong totality of evidence, sometimes even without RCT evidence.  There are contexts where each approach is valid.


However, it is not my point to say that remdesivir has little evidence to support its potential outpatient utility, only efficacy considerations that have not been addressed and that could lead to lack of efficacy under general use, but that HCQ+AZ has been directly studied in actual early high-risk outpatient use with all of its temporal considerations and found empirically to have sufficient epidemiologic evidence for its effective and safe employment that way, and that requiring delay of such general use until availability of additional RCT evidence is untenable because of the ongoing and projected continuing mortality. No studies of Covid-19 outpatient HCQ+AZ use have shown higher mortality with such use than without, cardiac arrhythmias included, thus there is no empirical downside to this combined medication use


HCQ+AZ has been standard-of-care treatment at the four New York University hospitals, where a recent study showed that adding zinc sulfate to this regimen significantly cut both intubation and mortality risks by almost half.

[ remember, any medicine works better earlier in the illness. To be intubated, you’ve got to be sick enough to be in the hospital, and then get even worse. So this is a Death’s Door kind of scenario. See her as well ]

But for the great majority, I conclude that HCQ+AZ and HCQ+doxycycline, preferably with zinc can be this outpatient treatment, at least until we find or add something better, whether that could be remdesivir or something else.  It is our obligation not to stand by, just “carefully watching,”as the old and infirm and inner city of us are killed by this disease and our economy is destroyed by it and we have nothing to offer except high-mortality hospital treatment.  We have a solution, imperfect, to attempt to deal with the disease.  We have to let physicians employing good clinical judgement use it and informed patients choose it.

Pretty amazing (not really) how NYU is just now finally seeing that zinc helps? WTF have you fools been??

PS - set up to fail? I read elsewhere today that the NIH suggested HCQ dosage is FIVE TIMES HIGHER than what Dr. Z and the international medical community has been doing. The likelihood of arrhythmia goes up as the HCQ dosage increases. 

The awareness of the pushback and paranoia against this treatment plan is gently mentioned in this paper. It is very apparent towards the end of one of the links I posted before about Dr. Z. And it is spelled out in no uncertain terms by the link I put up last week to WattsUpWithThat.  Ruin the world economy, let millions get sick, let millions die, all because a) OrangeManBad, and b) Global power grab by “elites” to push world Socialist tyranny.


Somewhat related, somewhat sarcastic update: This same bunch of researchers at NYU Langone are going to try to prove a negative. They’ve got a big Official Study coming up, RCT and everything, in which they’ll try to prove whether HCQ works as a prophylactic. I want to see how that will work while being ethical. Sure, you could give half the subjects the drug, and half a vitamin pill, and then expose the whole bunch heavily ... which is the Nazi approach, and the worst No-No in medical research. “First do no harm”, right?

Clinical Trial Tests Efficacy of Common Antimalarial Drug to Prevent COVID-19 Infection

[ April 1, 2020. Coincidence, or April Fool’s stunt? ] < a href="">YU Langone Health researchers are co-leading a major clinical trial to determine whether the common antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquine can help prevent 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections. The drug, marketed as Plaquenil®, has attracted considerable media attention, but definitive evidence is lacking on whether it can thwart infections in people who have been exposed to the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.

The new study, which is being led by the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle in collaboration with NYU Langone, may help answer that question. “Currently, there is no proven way to prevent COVID-19 after being exposed,” says Anna Bershteyn, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone and the study’s co-principal investigator. “If hydroxychloroquine provides protection, then it could be an essential tool for fighting this pandemic. If it doesn’t, then people should avoid unnecessary risks from taking the drug.”

Hydroxychloroquine, used widely against malaria since the 1950s, is effective against autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis as well. Past research has suggested that the same drug might block the SARS-CoV-2 virus from invading human cells in a lab setting. Other modeling studies have hinted at the drug’s potential to prevent an infection or reduce the length of time that people shed viral particles and remain infectious. But these hypotheses have not been specifically tested in humans.

To do so, the new study is enrolling 2,000 adult volunteers at 6 sites. Specifically, researchers are recruiting people who lack any COVID-19 symptoms but have been in close contact with others who have a confirmed or pending diagnosis. On a random basis, the trial participants will receive either hydroxychloroquine or a placebo pill (vitamin C) every day for two weeks. Each day during the 14-day period and then again on day 28, the participants will swab their nasal passages and send the samples to researchers so they can detect any new COVID-19 infections.

I have to wonder if zinc is part of the prophylactic approach too. Good luck finding 2,000 people willing to take a 50/50 risk on getting a placebo, knowing that they’ve been exposed to a virus that can kill them. Especially now that the virus is declining. Maybe the Nazi approach is the only way to be sure ... so that means this study isn’t going to happen. Oh wait: I gather if you give them a couple dollars it becomes a “challenge trial”, and that’s now ethical?? Crivens. Maybe next week it will be Ok to dose prisoners without telling them. Or maybe use those illegals that ICE is always corralling? WTF, if you’re flushing ethics down the toilet, might as well jiggle the handle a couple times to make sure.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 12:08 PM   
Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseasesPandemic Pandemonium •  
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The New Normal

I might have to make a category for this kind of stuff. We live in a different world right now. Whether we stay there, or go back to the old way ( January ) remains to be seen.

Email from my local grocery store: we now accept SNAP payments for online orders for pick-up or home delivery.

Isn’t that nice?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 08:11 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - May 27, 2020

what a hoser

NJ governor “Red” Murphy says he’ll allow live graduation ceremonies ... in July.

High school ends in early June.  College ends in mid May.

What a dick.

TRENTON, NJ — New Jersey school districts will be permitted to hold outdoor graduation ceremonies with social distancing beginning in July, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Tuesday.

Murphy made the announcement on Twitter, saying the ceremonies, which can begin July 6, must “comply with social distancing – ensuring the health and safety of all in attendance.”

The order permitting outdoor graduation ceremonies applies to middle school and high school graduations, as well as colleges/universities, a news release from Murphy’s office said Tuesday. Specific guidance would be released by the state Department of Education and the Secretary of Higher Education on Wednesday.

That guidance could mean multiple graduation ceremonies at different times or spread across multiple days for instances where graduating classes are “too large to accommodate a crowd within the restrictions in place for outdoor gatherings,” Murphy said.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/27/2020 at 09:27 PM   
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Taking The Measure Of Life During Lockdown

Many weeks ago, before this whole virus thing took off, we had a nice sunny day in the early spring. After the long dark of winter, we had actual daylight down in the living room. And we realized that the carpets were in God-awful condition. We have cats. Cats make a mess. And they throw up. All the time. It’s what cats do. And the carpet suffered. So we figured it was probably time to get rid of it, and we thought that maybe carpet wasn’t the best way to go. So we thought about putting in wooden floorings. So we traveled to the other end of the county and found a Lumber Liquidators store, and found some flooring there that we liked. And we paid to have one of their subcontractors come and measure our place.

Then the virus maelstrom hit, and life shut down for two months. Several phone calls with the measuring people over that time, and we finally scheduled to have somebody come and do the job yesterday. He got here at 11, after we both got up real early and did furious amounts of housework to make the place presentable. The job was only supposed to take 25 minutes. And we were all wearing our masks and gloves, being good little sheep and following Teh Rulez. But we got to talking, and talking, while he worked slower and slower. He finally finished 2 1/2 hours later. So now we have the precise measurements for every room and closet in the unit, and the exact number of square feet, and even how much overage will be required to put in wooden floors or tiles in each room here.

But he was here forever, and we talked and talked about all sorts of simple benign stuff. Dog stories, different home construction methods, the state of the internet, remember when Carter was president, and so on.

This was the longest, and nearly the only, face to face conversation I have had with anyone other than my wife since Friday the 13th in March. It’s now almost the end of May. Ok, we did see a few friends and relatives at her sister’s microscopic outdoor wedding on March 20, with all 7 of us in masks keeping great distances apart out in their backyard. We went home after about 90 minutes of that. It was nice, but it was very awkward. We haven’t seen my mom or her dad since Christmas. Right now I’m not even sure if it’s legal to drive out of state to do such a thing.

We’ve been living in nearly solitary confinement since about March 7; we were voluntarily self-isolating for more than a week because of the possibility one of her co-workers had the virus. That didn’t pan out, but we didn’t have that info until after the wedding.

I guess I’m rather starved for human interaction. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/27/2020 at 10:29 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - May 24, 2020

COVID Equality

Color blindness?

via Justin Hart. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this data, but county by county numbers are available in all the states if you make the effort.


The total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is the same in all three color areas: red, yellow, green.

Somebody took all the county death numbers, put them in a spreadsheet, and sorted them. Then cut that sorted data into 3 roughly equal chunks, and then found that one chunk was just a few counties, the next chunk was a couple dozen counties, and the final chunk was the entire rest of the county. So they mapped it, and every county in the lower 48 got an associated color. Red for the first chunk, yellow for the next chunk, and green for the last chunk.

All the deaths in all the green areas added together are equal to the total number of deaths in all the yellow areas added together, and both green and yellow are equal to the total number of deaths in all the red areas added together.

And what a non-surprise: the yellow areas are right around the red areas. They are NOT the population centers of the country. Not all of them anyway.

Makes you wonder why national policy is being set based on the red zones. Which are all super blue, actually.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 09:40 PM   
Filed Under: • FREEDOMMiscellaneousPandemic PandemoniumPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Saturday - May 23, 2020

Gee thanks Gov

NJ Governor Murphy (commie) has graciously allowed the beaches to open and groups of up to 25 people to congregate outdoors. Wearing masks of course. No more than 10 indoors. With social distancing, naturally.

Just in time for the Memorial Day weekend. And it’s been raining since yesterday, and will rain until Sunday.

But thanks, Your Worship, for granting us this one small taste of freedom.

Good thing we’re Americans.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/23/2020 at 08:23 AM   
Filed Under: • FREEDOMPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Friday - May 22, 2020

A Month Late And A Trillion Short

President Trump Orders US Flags To Half Mast For 3 Days For COVID Deaths

President Donald Trump on Thursday announced that he would order flags to fly at half-staff to memorialize Americans lost to the coronavirus.

“I will be lowering the flags on all Federal Buildings and National Monuments to half-staff over the next three days in memory of the Americans we have lost to the CoronaVirus,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

The president announced his decision after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked Trump to mark the day when America reached the milestone of 100,000 deaths from the virus.

Pelosi and Schumer wrote in a letter to President Trump:

We will always carry their memory in our hearts. As we pay our respects to them, sadly, our country mourns the deaths of nearly 100,000 Americans from COVID-19. Our hearts are broken over this great loss and our prayers are with their families.

Currently the number of coronavirus deaths in the United States stands at 94,591 according to data tracked by Johns Hopkins University.

The president said that the flags would fly at half-staff on Memorial Day to honor Americans who died serving in the U.S. military.

“On Monday, the flags will be at half-staff in honor of the men and women in our Military who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Nation,” he wrote.

On the one hand, this is a fine, temporary gesture, coming just before Memorial Day when all the flags would be dipped in remembrance anyway.

On the other hand, while it may appear that he is making a bi-partisan gesture, he is being manipulated by Pelosi and Schumer, essentially admitting defeat. That’s not what he’s doing, but that’s how the MSM and millions of people will see it.

On the third hand, this is all “a day late and a dollar short” to me, as all the states around me have been flying the flag low for so long now. For a day or two, it’s a fine thing. For more than a month, it’s defeatism. yes, there has been the days set aside for police memorial, but most of this has been for coronavirus deaths. And that bugs me. All the other deaths from all the other illnesses, accidents, old age, etc, far outstrip the somewhat nebulous numbers of “covid caused, covid related, covid suspected” victims. It begins to feel like a con. Defeatism. Keep the sheep sad and they stay in line longer. And I’m getting damn sick and tired of that.

[ May 15 ] In Connecticut, state and U.S. flags are half staff indefinitely in recognition of all those whose lives were lost or affected by COVID-19.
Illinois has joined the states who are lowering their flags for the victims of COVID-19.
In Massachusetts, flags at soldiers’ home facilities and veteran cemeteries began flying half-staff on April 19 until a date to be determined in respect of veterans and Soldiers’ Home residents who died from COVID-19.
In Michigan, state and U.S. flags are flying half staff indefinitely, according to a proclamation that went into place on April 10.
In New Jersey, all state flags and U.S. flags are being flown at half-staff indefinitely in memory of the people who have lost their lives to the coronavirus outbreak. The proclamation was placed by Gov. Philip D. Murphy on April 3 and is still ongoing
In New York, all flags on state government buildings will fly at half-staff indefinitely while the state is “on pause” due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on April 8.
In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf has ordered that all commonwealth flags on commonwealth facilities, public buildings, and public grounds fly at half staff indefinitely in honor of the victims of the 2019 novel coronavirus. The proclamation was put into place on April 8.

A gesture overused loses meaning, impact, and importance. This extended “act of mourning” is no more than empty virtue signalling. This offends me, as a significant tradition is being besmirched. Watered down to nothing. And every one of the states doing it is run by Democrats.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/22/2020 at 07:54 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPassing on, Death and DisasterPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Thursday - May 21, 2020

John Bull Late To The Party Again

A week or three ago, Boris Johnson, the PM over there, was at death’s door with the COVID. Then he got a visit from 2 Americans from NIH. A few days later he was just fine, and released from hospital. He has not been forthcoming about his treatment.

The BS-MSM has it’s soggy panties in a twist this week because President Trump has admitted that he is taking HCQ as a prophylactic against COVID-19. For his sake, I hope he’s been on it for quite a bit longer than he’s admitting to.

I came this close to just walking away from blogging forever over this treatment plan and the media’s INSANE reaction to it, for no other reason than that President Trump said in mid-March that he had hopes for it, that it could be a game changer, or maybe not. It was already known then to be effective, and the pharms were donating tens of millions of pills and announcing ramped up production nearly every day.

And then the bullshit started. First in the media, excoriating Trump and pusing the shortage panic button to ensure that a shortage occurred. Then with Democrat state governors, then with the faggots in the academic and medical communities pushing foolish studies knowing full well that they would fail or have limited success. HCQ + Zn + Z-pack, and now, + vitamin D. It has been long known to be an effective phropylactic and an effective early treatment. Which is why every damn “official” study forced it to be used on super sick patients already at death’s door in hospitals. Because OrangeManBad, so let’s let people die to “prove” it.

This was a deliberate act to allow Americans to die, purely for political purposes. The lockdown and destruction of the largest and fastest growing economy in human history is/was for the same reason: get Trump, destroy freedom, grab power, grind the world under their Socialist heels.

But now, finally, TWO FULL MONTHS later, after having banned “off label” use of HCQ, the smarmy bastiges in England are now willing to use their own health workers as guinea pigs to see if this regime does any good. Follow this story closely, because if they do not specifically mention the use of Zinc and/or vitamin D, then it is yet another “test” that is planned to fail from the beginning. Oh, and those other clinical trials we heard about back then? Most of them haven’t even started yet. Isn’t that special?

a few things you should read, if you haven’t already:
• this will boil your blood: (please read the update at the bottom too, and don’t forget that in late February the UK banned the export of all forms of chloroquine. Shortly thereafter, they banned the use of it for their own people with COVID )

this is the really short version of almost all of the above. But the details are staggering, so find a few minutes to read through them. Even if you don’t care don’t care don’t care don’t care. Is it worth reading about how the Dems and the MSM want you dead?

Barr noted the media efforts to criticize hydroxychloroquine, a drug touted by Trump during appearances with the coronavirus task force.

“[I]t’s very disappointing because I think the president went out at the beginning of this thing and really was statesmanlike, trying to bring people together, working with all the governors, keeping his patience as he got these snarky gotcha questions from the White House media pool,” Barr said. “And the stridency of the partisan attacks on him has gotten higher and higher, and it’s really disappointing to see. And the politicization of decisions like hydroxychloroquine has been amazing to me.”

Ah yes, the “news” story, in all it’s Socialist glory. Finally!!

Donald Trump drug to be tested on NHS staff with hopes it could prevent coronavirus”

Up to 10,000 NHS workers will be be given the same drug being taken by Donald Trump in the first major UK trial of hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus.

The study, involving at least 20 NHS hospitals, aims to establish whether the cheap anti-malarial drug can fend off the virus.

Oxford Radcliffe Hospital and Royal Sussex County hospital, in Brighton, are among the first hospitals involved in the global study, which will involve 40,000 health professionals from around the world.  Researchers hope to have results by the end of this year.

So far, most clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine have focused on its use in treating Covid-19 patients and shown mixed results.

But UK researchers said they hope that the drug may be more effective if it is used preemptively to reduce the chance of catching the virus.

I want to take the giant Monty Python foot, label it NO SHITE YOU ARSEFACE and drop it on their heads. Where the feek have you scunners been???

Here’s the version from Breitbart:

The announcement may give satisfaction to President Trump, who was slammed by left-liberal politicians and commentators when he revealed that he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a possible preventative.

The American leader told reporters on Monday that they would “be surprised at how many people are taking [hydroxychloroquine], especially the frontline workers, before you catch it,” before revealing that he is taking the drug himself.

Chuck Schumer, who leads the Democrats in the U.S. Senate, branded the President “reckless” and claimed that “All the experts say at best it doesn’t help” following the revelation.

“I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group,” added Nancy Pelosi, Schumer’s 80-year-old counterpart in the House of Representatives — before going on to suggest the President should be extra cautious because he is “morbidly obese”.

Still being used as a weapon, still fear mongering, and NOT ONE DAMN WORD in either news article about zinc, z-pack, or vitamin D. Conclusion: Either A) deliberate dog-shit inept lazy reporting AND/OR B) Another BS study designed to fail, or at least to minimize success.

Plaquenil on it’s own might be enough to keep you from getting the -19. After all, “where malaria is, COVID-19 isn’t”, with a nearly 100% correlation worldwide. But add the zinc, add the vitamin D, add some Z-pack ( and maybe some chicken soup, it couldn’t hurt! ) and you get well, as well, if you came a bit late to the prophylactic game. Just ask Dr. Zelenko. But hurry, because he’s leaving, tired of the same shit storm. Doesn’t matter that he’s cured well over 1000 patients.

Remember: 65,000 lupus and RA patients in Italy, all taking HCQ, during the height of their infection, when Death stalked the land: 20 of them got COVID. No deaths, no hospitalizations.

Note: Now that Trump has mentioned HCQ again, the “second wave” of attacks are upon us (no, not the media forecast corona comeback if any areas dared to open up and embrace freedom again) - the MSM is beating their drum again as loud as they can. Look around, and you’ll see a few news reports about a lupus patient or two who caught the disease. Proof that Trump is wrong!!! Proof that HCQ doesn’t work!!!! Yeah, well read the WattsUp articles first ... because this drug builds up to a stable level in their bodies that lasts a month or more, the vast majority of lupus and RA patients are notorious, historically for decades, notoriously poor at actually taking the pills every day, or even filling their prescriptions. Not that one of them will admit to being lax.  Especially if they’re libs. I’m waiting for the fishtank cleaner story to come up again ... you do know that that psycho Dem woman is being investigated for murdering her husband, which is what I said from the get-go?

So I’ll try to spread the word one last time. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/21/2020 at 10:28 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPandemic PandemoniumUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - May 20, 2020

too true



snagged from Pappy’s Rants blog

One thing I’ve learned following all this COVID stuff is that any data you see is likely at least a week old. I don’t need to mention the media’s agenda and bias we’re all up against. And the Left’s. It’s ubiquitous and monumental.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/20/2020 at 07:59 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasPandemic Pandemonium •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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